Jute Bags benefits that help you in 2020

Jute Bags benefits that help you in 2020

Jute and cotton bags are made up of natural fibres. These bags are biodegradable and reusable. Jute and cotton bags are a replacement for plastic because they are good for the environment.

Jute and cotton is such a product which is strong and fully biodegradable. Jute Products can be used multiple times. Since, it is a natural product that decomposes within a certain period of time. No pollution is created to the environment. Jute Products are seen to maintain their Charm for a longer period of time. They are made from natural fibre and thus are able to keep their strength for a longer period. Jute and Cotton is such a product which is strong and fully biodegradable. Besides, these products are attractive to look and durable. Being biodegradable, this natural produces causes no harm to the environment. Today, Jute is considered one of the best products for making reusable bags. It can be grown in abundance without the use of pesticides or fertilizers and it requires less land to cultivate which means that growing jute preserves more natural habitats and wilderness for other species to flourish. Cotton Bags are very versatile and completely in fashion. Cotton Bags are easy to carry with a soft shoulder strap, spacious in size with a wide range of color options with trendy designs and patterns. Cotton bags are much more sustainable, nice and practical than plastic bags. They are easy to wash and we can reuse them and avoid hundreds and thousands of plastic bags. Beyond eco-friendliness, jute works wonderfully as a bagging material since it is extremely strong, UV-resistant, and stretches only an insignificant amount, regardless of the weight being carried.

 Cotton bags use less water, energy and oil and have less impact on air pollution. Cotton bags are easy to find and you can choose them in standard or organic cotton. Cotton bags are environment- friendly. With the use of cotton we can help reduce pollution also it does not affect the lifestyle of animals. Also they do not cause any harm to human skin. We can hold these bags easily without having fear of getting rashes. Cotton bags are biodegradable which means they can be used again and again as they are durable and is easily washable. Now-a-

days many supermarkets has started offering cotton bags instead of plastic bags as these bags helps in reducing global warming.  Bags made of cotton is most preferable by most of the Companies. Bags made of Cotton or cotton shopping bag is most preferable shopping packaging used by companies  around the world to improve their image and brand. Companies prefer cotton bags to show people that they are concerned for the environment. Showing concern with the environment by using cotton shopping bags relates emotionally with customers. It is also ethically connecting with the customers. Cotton Shopping Bag are expensive then plastic bag. Reason you should use Cotton and Jute bags is because conserve resources. With the use of plastic bag it can lead a great loss to environment. It helps in Decrease in Pollution. Protect Wildlife Every year  100,000 marine animals dies because of plastic If we stop using plastic bags and Start using Jute and Cotton Bags it will help a lot to environment. Also Durability of Cotton and jute bags is more compared to Plastic bags. Also we can save Money if we start using Reusable bags. Because now-a-days every supermarket, Shopping malls, Grocery store charges for plastic bags. Whereas if we carry Reusable bags we can save our money. Also Cotton and Jute Bags can not be used for shopping bag but we can be used for many things. As lunch Bag we can use. Also we can use them to carry snacks on a road trip.

One of the most simple first steps toward a more eco friendly life is to start using cotton bags. Even if their conception and fabrication have an impact on the environment, the simple fact that we can reuse them and that they are made from a biodegradable material make them a much better option than plastic bags.

Here are some good reasons to make the change:

1- Cotton bags are much more sustainable, nice and practical than plastic bags. They are easy to wash and you can reuse them and avoid hundreds and thousands of plastic bags.

2- Cottons bags use less water, energy and oil and have less impact on air-pollution. They also participate to keep oceans clean and to save wild animals, the first victims of plastic bags.

3- Cotton bags are also very easy to find and you can choose them in standard or organic cotton. It is a greener and non-toxic option as this cotton is grown without any pesticides and is much better for local populations and cultivated land quality.

4-Cotton bags are cheaper. In more and more places we have to pay for plastic bags.

5- Plastic bags are mostly made of non-sustainable materials. Their production has a big carbon footprint and pollutes soils and water. Plastic never disappears, it spreads into small pieces that pollute the ocean and lands. These microbeads have a direct impact on our health as they enter the food chain.

6-Do not forget that plastic bags are almost never recycled. The cost of their recycling is higher than their value, that is why they usually end in waste incinerators, landfills or in the sea.

Benefits of jute bags

•           The use of jute bags instead of plastic bags has many advantages, including:

•           Jute bags are durable.

•           Jute has a very low CO2 footprint

•           Jute has a very low water footprint

•           Jute has a very low ecological footprint

•           Jute is Cradle to Cradle

•           Jute bags are biodegradable and 100% compostable

•           Jute bags are extremely strong.

•           Jute bags are reusable and therefore environmentally friendly.

•           Jute bags are trendy.

•           Cotton is one of the most commonly used Fabric in the World.

•           This Textile is chemically organic, which means it does not contain any synthetic compounds. Cotton fabric is derived from the fibres surrounding the seeds of cotton plants, which emerge in a round emerge in a round, fluffy formation once the seeds are mature. Cotton bags are biodegradable, recyclable and reusable natural bags that will help reduce the carbon footprint.

•           Cotton bags do not  cause any harm to the environment as it is made up of natural fabric. These bags can be easily washed whenever it is dirty. Cotton bags are durable and reusable and they can be used for years. Cotton bags can be used as promotional bags, shopping bags etc. Cotton bags are more preferable to carry light weight items like garment and gifts. Cotton bags fabric is smoother and lighter.  Plastic bags are mostly made of non-sustainable materials. Their production has a big carbon footprint  and pollutes soils and water. Plastic never disappears, it spreads into small pieces that pollute the ocean and lands. These microbeads have a direct impact on our health as they enter the food chain.

Benefits of using Cotton

  • Multi-purpose

One of the main reasons why individuals make use of cotton bags is due to its usability. As of now, cotton bags can be used in numerous ways. For one, these bags are ideal for promotions, exhibitions as well as business and product giveaways. Next, bags created with cotton  are more stylish than other bags. Plus, some providers offer appealing designs. Finally, cotton bags can complement any style. Because of this, individuals can be confident while using such bags

  • Durable and reliable bags

The next reason why individuals make use of bags made of cotton is these bags are made from a wide range of cotton fabrics that are sourced carefully. Not to mention, individuals can opt to attain numerous features depending on the bag they want

  • Improve environmental safety

Another reason why individuals make use of cotton bag is that of its environment-friendly features. With the use of such bags, individuals can reduce pollution. Other than that, cotton packs do not affect the lifestyle of animals. And, cotton packs can help get rid of drainage issues as well as allergies. Moreover, they don’t cause any harm to the human skin as well. It’s easy to hold these bags without having a fear of getting rashes.