Cotton Jute Bags Benefits and Usage.

Jute Bags is 100% Biodegradable Product and Eco-friendly material and does not pollute our environment like plastic. We should encourage the use of jute bags to make our planet healthy.

Jute is very strong and 100% biodegradable and recyclable and it causes and carrying products in jute bags causes no harm and is hygiene. Jute bags can be used multiple times. Jute are seen to maintain gloss and glaze for a longer period of time and since it is made from natural fiber so it makes it able to keep strength for a longer period of time. Jute bags don’t require any maintenance. Jute bags are also cost-effective and cheaper compared to plastic bags. Jute bags take very less time to decompose whereas plastic bags take thousands of years to decompose which is not good for the environment.

Jute bags can be used in multiple ways such as school bags, carry bags etc. Jute bags are easy to carry and come in many types, textures and colors. Bags and other materials made from Jute is biodegradable which means when left unused for some time they will get destroyed on their own which is good for environment as against plastic that remains for age which causes huge environmental hazard.  

Jute bags can be used in multiple ways such as school bag, carry bag etc. Jute bags are easy to carry and come in many types, textures and colors. Bags and other materials made from Jute is biodegradable which means when left unused for some time they will get destroyed on their own which is good for environment as against plastic that remains for age which makes them a preferred option for your everyday needs.

Ease of molding into shapes

Bags made out of these jute and cotton have been in vogue for quite some time and in the present times, using these bags have turned out to be more of a necessity thanks to the rising threats of pollution and global warming. However, cotton and Jute Bags are not only to be used for their benefits towards the environment. These bags come with several lucrative advantages which makes them a preferred option for your everyday needs.

Jute and cotton are natural fibers and they can be sewn into any desirable size and shape. This is the reason why when you go forward to buy jute and Cotton Bags, you get so many amazing choices in shapes and sizes. From pouches to conference folders, these two materials have been given all kinds of shapes to compliment your everyday outfits.

Contribution to the environment

When you use bags like these, you are actually contributing to the environment. Even after you discard these bags, these will be destroyed on their own and not add to the rising landfills. Besides, plants like these require very little fertilizer or pesticides to grow and thus, you are contributing significantly to the environment.

The durability factor

If you feel that jute and cotton bags are not as durable as the synthetic products, think again, that bags like these are your trusted aids for life. Being made of natural fibers, these bags are really easy to wash and take care of which naturally extends their lifespan. These bags are sturdy and solid in their build making these last long.

The designs to die for

The designs on top of the bags are minimalistic and classy. You can incorporate these trendy bags in your regular usage to compliment your look of the day.

The capacity of carrying weight

Jute and cotton bags have a commendable capacity of carrying weight. For instance, our jute shopping bags are capable of carrying around five kg with total ease. You need not worry about the bag giving way under too much weight.

The affordability quotient

Jute and cotton are highly affordable compared to the superior quality that you are receiving. The prices are such that they encourage you to shop more and definitely not stop at just one bag. Why get only one bag when you can get two at prices that are too good to be true!

  • Jute fiber is 100% biodegradable and recyclable and thus environmentally friendly.
  • It is a natural fiber with golden and silky shine and hence called The Golden Fiber.
  • It is the cheapest vegetable fiber procured from the past or skin of the plant’s stem.
  • It is the second most important vegetable fiber after cotton, in terms of usage, global consumption, production, and availability.
  • It has high tensile strength, low extensibility, and ensures better breathability of fabrics. Therefore, jute is very suitable in agricultural commodity bulk packaging.
  • It helps to make the best quality industrial yarn, fabric, net, and sacks. It is one of the most versatile natural fibers that has been used in raw materials for packaging, textiles, non-textile, construction, and agricultural sectors. Bulking of yarn results in a reduced breaking tenacity and an increased breaking extensibility when blended as a ternary blend.
  • The best source of jute in the world is the Bengal Delta Plain in the Ganges Delta, most of which is occupied by Bangladesh.
  • Advantages of jute include good insulating and antistatic properties, as well as having low thermal conductivity and a moderate moisture regain. Other advantages of jute include acoustic insulating properties and manufacture with no skin irritations.

 Jute has the ability to be blended with other fibers, both synthetic and natural, and accepts cellulosic dye classes such as natural, basic, vat, sulfur, reactive, and pigment dyes. As the demand for natural comfort fibers increases, the demand for jute and other natural fibers that can be blended with cotton will increase.The resulting jute/cotton yarns will produce fabrics with a reduced cost of wet processing treatments. Jute can also be blended with wool.

Advantages of Jute Fiber:

  • Jute has great antistatic properties; so that any kind of static charges are not produced during Jute Product making or using.
  • Jute is an insulating fiber and this is why it can be used to make cloth which would be used in electrical works.
  • Temperature is passed in this fiber slowly because of the low thermal conductivity.
  •   Moisture Regain properties are good enough (about 13.75%).
  • Produce no irritation in skin.
  • 100% Biodegradable; so it is environment friendly fiber like Cotton.
  • Cheap in the market.
  • Available in the market and the overall productivity of Jute Fiber is good.
  • Tensile strength is high.
  • Jute Fabric is highly breathable and comfortable to use.
  • Can be widely used in Agriculture Sector, Textile Sector, Woven Sector and Nonwoven Sector.
  • Jute Fiber can be blended with Natural and Synthetic fibers.
  • Can be died by Basic, Vat, Sulphur and Reactive Dyes.

Disadvantages of Jute Fiber Using:

  • The crease resistance of Jute is very low.
  • Drape Property is not good enough.
  • Create Shade effect and become yellowish if sunlight is used.
  • If Jute is wetted it loses its strength.

Beyond eco-friendliness, jute works wonderfully as a bagging material since it is extremely strong, UV-resistant, and stretches only an insignificant amount, regardless of the weight being carried.

Jute has a lot of advantages over Plastic. They can be enumerated as follows:

1. Jute is a natural fibre which is very strong and highly durable. These natural products are easily degradable and cause no threat to the environment. Carrying products in a Jute container or bags poses no threat to hygiene. On the other hand, Plastic is also strong and functional and carrying good poses no threat to health. But, plastic bags are not biodegradable and take a long time to decompose and thus cause environmental hazard.

2. Jute products can be used multiple times. Since, it is a natural product that decomposes within a stipulated period; no pollution is created in the environment. On the other hand, many plastic products are made to use for once only. Thus, it is seen that lots of such things are dumped in the face of waterways, sewage, parks, beaches and streets.

3. Jute products are seen to maintain their gloss and glaze for a longer time. They are made from natural fibre and thus are able to keep their strength for a rather longer period. On the other hand, plastics are seen to lose their beauty in a very short time. This short span of these products implies more production and ultimately more burden on nature and environment.

4. The jute, being a natural fibre, decomposes within a standard period, say, few weeks or months. On the other hand, plastics need hundreds of years for complete disintegration. So, these products are seen to choke sewerage systems, and being not biodegradable, causes pollution in Air, Water and to nature as a whole.

So, it is suggested that Jute are preferably be used in all cases in lieu of environment – threatening plastics

Natural products that decompose within a stipulated period; no pollution is created in the environment. On the other hand, many plastic products are made to use for once only. Thus, it is seen that lots of such things are dumped in the face of waterways, sewage, parks, beaches and streets.

3. Jute products are seen to maintain their gloss and glaze for a longer time. They are made from natural fibre and thus are able to keep their strength for a rather longer period. On the other hand, plastics are seen to lose their beauty in a very short time. This short span of these products implies more production and ultimately more burden on nature and environment.

4. The jute, being a natural fibre, decomposes within a standard period, say, few weeks or months. On the other hand, plastics need hundreds of years for complete disintegration. So, these products are seen to choke sewerage systems, and being not biodegradable, causes pollution in Air, Water and to nature as a whole.

So, it is suggested that Jute are preferably be used in all cases in lieu of environment – threatening plastics